Your work

Your recovery doesn’t have to stop because of COVID-19 – it might just look a little different.

If your recovery at work has been disrupted because of COVID-19, talk with your employer and insurer about what you can do.

SIRA offers programs that can help at this time, whether you need help with training or job placements while your workplace has closed down.

If you need to find a short-term work placement

The Connect2work program can help you find a short-term work placement to help you continue your recovery at work.

It pays a host employer $200 per week for up to 12 weeks to provide you with a placement to help you build your skills and capacity for work.

If you need to look for work

If you need to look for new work, the JobCover6 program can be offered to a new employer who offers you up to six months' work.

Other help

If you are receiving workers compensation payments and are required to work from home to manage social distancing requirements and need equipment to do so you could use the equipment program.

If you can’t work at the moment but need to build your skills think about the training program.

If you feel a vocational program may help you to recover at work, speak to your insurer. They will review your eligibility using SIRA’s guidelines. Your insurer will make an application to SIRA to obtain approval for the program.

What can I do if I think I have contracted COVID-19 at work?

You may be entitled to workers compensation if you get COVID-19 at work. You will need to let your employer know straight away if you think that you have gotten COVID-19 at work.

Changes in 2020 provide that workers in prescribed employment are automatically presumed to have contracted COVID-19 at work. Further information about the new presumption is available here.

Learn how to lodge a workers compensation claim.

I don't want to go to work because I'm worried that I will contract COVID-19. What should I do?

It’s common to feel worried at the moment.

The best thing to do if you feel worried about going to work is to speak with your manager about how you will be protected from COVID-19 at work, and to follow the NSW Government health advice.

You can also speak with your doctor about your COVID-19 vaccination options.

I am recovering at work, but my employer has closed down. Can I look for work somewhere else?

If your employer is unable to provide suitable work, you can look for work somewhere else.

Talk to your insurer about your injury management plan and the support available to you including SIRA-funded programs like Connect2work and JobCover6.

Check out the programs available and find out if you’re eligible on the SIRA website.

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