CTP Recover at Work Assist program

Information for CTP claimants and employers.


This program provides financial incentives to help employers offer suitable work to an employee who has been injured in a motor accident in NSW. The program minimises the financial burden to the employer, who would otherwise not be able to offer suitable work, delaying the employee’s recovery.

The program is available for up to 12 weeks.

Program benefits

It allows the:

  • employer to receive up to $400 per week for up to 12 weeks from the start of the program
  • employee to recover at work using a recover at work plan.



An employer may be eligible if they:

  • have an employee who has an accepted CTP claim
  • were the pre-accident employer
  • have indicated in writing that they require financial support to have the employee recover at work
  • demonstrate a commitment to their employee’s injury management and recovery at work.


An employee is eligible for the Recover at Work Assist program if:

  • they have an accepted CTP claim
  • they have a current certificate of fitness stating they have capacity for some type of work
  • they are currently receiving or entitled to receive statutory benefits under the Motor Accident Injuries Act 2017

Employer assist payment

The employer assist payment is designed to offset the costs associated with having an employee recover at work, when they have reduced capacity following a motor accident injury. The employee must follow a recover at work plan.

Evidence of payment to injured person and/or casual staff, contractors, overtime staff (as applicable) is required to support processing of reimbursement. Evidence can include, but is not limited to, payslips, invoices, payment receipts, etc.

Payments are calculated on a weekly basis, with employers able to receive up to $400 per week for up to 12 weeks from the start of the program (that is, a maximum overall amount of $4,800). The payments can be claimed by the employer at the end of four, eight and 12 weeks respectively.


  • An employee commences the program two weeks after the accident. As the maximum time they can participate in the program is 12 weeks, they will complete the program 14 weeks after the accident.

During this time, the employer continues to pay the employee, but may pay them at a reduced wage depending on hours worked. The employee is eligible for weekly income payments from the CTP insurer for loss of earnings.

If the employee continues to have only partial capacity for work at the completion of the program, support to develop another recover at work plan is available. The employer can request the help of a provider to develop a plan aimed at upgrading their worker to their pre-injury work status. However no further Recover at Work Assist payments will be made to the employer.

Next steps

Further information

If you have read the guidance material and would like to know more about the Recover at Work Assist program, you can:

Also, see our I'm a worker recovering at work page.

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