Neuropsychological assessment fact sheet for the party arranging the assessment

Why conduct a neuropsychological assessment?

A neuropsychological assessment determines cognitive ability and functioning (usually after a brain injury).

They may be conducted to assess the impact of a brain injury, monitor recovery and inform rehabilitation plans as part of the claims and case management for a person with a Compulsory Third Party (CTP) claim and for those who are Lifetime Care and Support Scheme (LTCS) participants.

Who can recommend and arrange a neuropsychological assessment?

Neuropsychological assessments may be recommended and arranged by any party with an interest in the injured person, their recovery or claim, such as:

  • the treatment provider, case manager or rehabilitation team
  • the GP or other physician coordinating care and recovery
  • the CTP rehabilitation advisor, injury management advisor or claims manager
  • the icare lifetime care coordinator
  • the solicitor acting for the injured person or insurer.

What must you do when arranging a neuropsychological assessment?

When arranging a neuropsychological assessment, the following must occur:

1. Confirm the date of the most recent assessment

If an assessment has been conducted in the previous two years, first determine whether the information required can be obtained from the previous report or by requesting additional information from the assessing psychologist.

2. Determine the date for the next assessment

If possible, assessments should only be conducted when clinically required. An assessment required for claims management or decision making purposes should be discussed with the psychologist who conducted the most recent assessment, or a member of the treating rehabilitation team (if relevant).

If an assessment is proposed sooner than it's required for clinical management reasons, the reasons must be conveyed to, and supported by, all parties.

3. Complete the neuropsychological assessment notification (NAN) form

The neuropsychological assessment notification must be distributed to all parties four weeks prior to the proposed assessment.

The initiating party must also ensure that all other parties are aware of the information and instructions provided to the nominated psychologist.

4. Ensure the psychologist has all the relevant information prior to the assessment

This includes any particular instructions to be addressed in the report.

5. Distribute the report

Once the report has been completed, it must be distributed to all relevant parties.

Further information

If you require further information about an assessment or report, contact the psychologist or treating physician for information before arranging an additional assessment.

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