JobCover 6 information for workers and employers

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How does JobCover6 help?

JobCover6 offers an employer who employs a worker recovering from a work-related injury for a minimum of 64 hours per month:

  • incentive payments of up to $10,400 over a period of up to 6 months
  • exemption of the worker’s wages from the employer’s workers compensation premium calculation for two years
  • protection against the costs of changes to the worker’s existing injury for up to two years

These benefits can be used individually, in a combination, or as a total package.

Getting started

The JobCover6 agreement form needs to be completed and endorsed by the insurer before commences. To claim the incentive payments, you will need the JobCover6 claim form.

Eligibility criteria


  • have capacity for work and looking for new employment
  • receiving, or entitled to receive, weekly workers compensation payments under the Workers Compensation Act 1987 (1987 Act)


  • different to the pre-injury employer offering employment for an agreed period
  • not in receipt of any other wage subsidy for the worker
  • hold a current workers compensation policy /self-insurer’s licence and comply with workplace health & safety legislation.

More information

Talk with the worker, a workplace rehabilitation provider or read the JobCover6 guidance material to understand how the program works.

Contact SIRA on 13 10 50 or email [email protected].

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