Workers compensation system

workers return to work rate at 4 weeks

payments made during the month

premiums collected annually

of reported NSW wages goes to premiums

of active claims lodged a dispute

expenditure paid to and for workers 2016/2017

  • State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) is responsible for regulating the NSW workers compensation system which safeguarded workers with a combined $250 billion of wages in NSW for 2017/18. We do this to support workers who may have had the worst day of their life.

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jobs are covered
workers supported with weekly benefits
employers are covered
jobs are covered
The number of workers who are covered by the NSW Workers Compensation system defined by the number of jobs reported by ABS. (Please note a worker in NSW may hold more than one job)
workers supported with weekly benefits
This represents number of workers who are receiving weekly benefits as a result of a workers compensation claim.
employers are covered
This number represents customers (employers) who are safeguarded by the NSW Workers Compensation System.

System effectiveness

Is the system effective in safe guarding workers, getting workers back to work and wellness?

  • SIRA is preparing to move the current Open data portal to a new portal in June 2024, where the return to work and working rate pages will be updated as per the refreshed recovery through work metric specifications.
  • Return to work and working rate will be measured using the refreshed recovery though work metrics, where disputed and reasonable excuse claims have been excluded. Further enhancements such as 13 week rolling time series and stay at work metrics will be announced as they become available on Open data.
  • The refreshed metrics required insurers to improve data collection and coding systems. As a result, there may be a difference in rates of 1-2% points compared to SIRA’s previously reported RTW rates.
Data as at January 2019Click to explore data
  • Data disclaimer
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Total reportable claims
Reportable claims trend
Data as at January 2019 -  Click to explore data
upper limbs
Upper limbs
lower limbs
Lower limbs
multiple locations
Multiple locations
to be confirmed
To be confirmed
systematic locations
Systematic locations
Data as at January 2019 Click to explore data

System efficiency

Is the delivery of the system as efficient as it can be?

Claims payment trend
Data as at Click to explore data

System viability

Is the system sustainable and viable for generations to come?

Total Payments
Claims by Payment Type
Data as at January 2019 for the period January 2016 to January 2019 -   Click to explore data
Affordability of insurance as a percentage of NSW wages for 2022/23
*A reflection of the cost of premiums for workers compensation as a percentage of the reported NSW wages bill.
Yearly trend
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    While SIRA does some data cleansing, the reporting is verbatim from customers and might occasionally reference an incorrect insurer and/or insurer type.


Direct to claimant


Indirect to claimant

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    The benefits paid to and for workers is calculated annually.


Workers compensation COVID-19 claims
COVID-19 claims
COVID-19 claims by date
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    We are now reporting COVID-19 related workers compensation claims using data provided to us daily by insurers. We will update and expand our report as more information becomes available.


NSW workers compensation insurer scorecard

Insurer scorecard


% share of premium paid FY 2022/23
% share of total claims FY 2022/23
% share of total payments made
% share of total active claims
% of injury notifications actioned within 7 days
% of Level 1 complaints to active claims
% Level 2 complaints resolved within 20 business days
RTW rate
4 weeks
RTW rate
13 weeks
RTW rate
26 weeks
% share of premium paid FY 2020/21
% share of total claims FY 2020/21
% share of total payments made
% share of total active claims
% of injury notifications actioned within 7 days
% of Level 1 complaints to active claims
% Level 2 complaints resolved within 20 business days
RTW rate
4 weeks
RTW rate
13 weeks
RTW rate
26 weeks
Nominal insurer
Government self insurers
Specialised insurers
Self insurers

Data as at

  • Data Disclaimer.

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    SIRA has partnered with insurers to develop and implement plans, mitigate risk and encourage positive customer experiences through the management of injured workers claims. To find out more about the tiering model visit.
