
Published: 12 August 2019
Last edited: 11 June 2024

If a worker has a work-related injury or illness before they reach their retiring age, they are eligible for weekly payments until one year after they reach retiring age.

If a worker has a work-related injury or illness after they have reached retiring age, they are eligible for weekly payments until one year after the first period of incapacity.

Retiring age

A worker’s retiring age is the age at which the person would be eligible to receive an age pension under the Commonwealth Social Security Act 1991.

For all workers born after 1 July 1952 the following retiring ages apply:


Retiring age

01 July 1952 to 31 December 1953

65 years and 6 months

01 January 1954 to 30 June 1955

66 years

01 July 1955 to 31 December 1956

66 years and 6 months

On or after 01 January 1957

67 years

For workers born before 1 July 1952, different retirement ages apply depending on gender. Refer to the Commonwealth Social Security Guide for more information.

Notice to workers over retirement age

The insurer is required to communicate regularly with the worker, employer and other relevant stakeholders throughout the life of the claim.

SIRA expects insurers will provide workers with written notice at least 13 weeks before the cessation of benefits under this section.

S18. Retiring age notification
Workers affected by the 12-month limit to weekly payments after a worker reaches retirement age will be provided with appropriate notice prior to the cessation of weekly payments.